We’re thrilled to share a recap of the highly successful 2024 Boutique Financial Planners Annual Conference, themed “Advisory Horizons: Navigating the Future of Your Advice Business.” The conference, held from March 6th to March 8th, brought together industry leaders, experts, and passionate professionals for three days of immersive learning and networking.

From the moment our long-standing member and vice president, Brent Giles, stepped in as MC of the conference due to a last-minute change, attendees knew they were in for an extraordinary journey. His helpful demeanour and opening remarks set the tone for an event brimming with possibility, where networking wasn’t just a formality but a gateway to lasting connections.

Throughout the conference, a number of Mystery Hot Topic conversations were held, challenging convention and placing attendees at the helm of discourse. Facilitated by industry luminaries, including Brent Giles, Ursula Boorman, Natallia Smith, Andrew Griffiths, David Richardson, and Dacian Moses, these sessions epitomised the power of collective wisdom. As one attendee remarked, “I really like panel discussions from members and free-form discussion of topics between members. We have so much knowledge to share. They are invariably the best parts of any conference.” These interactive discussions sparked meaningful exchanges and inspired collaborative solutions.

What truly stole the show was the selfless sharing of experiences and ideas within the group. The invaluable support and resources shared, free-form discussions of topics, and panel discussions showcased the wealth of knowledge within our community. Many attendees commented on being motivated to implement improvements in their work. The level of sharing was so impressive that at one point, a member stood up and clapped, moved by the truly amazing generosity of their peers. One member even emailed the Video SOA Presentation Template for others to use!

Attendees had the opportunity to engage with top-notch speakers who shared their expertise on a wide range of topics:

  • Kim Payne, Founder of 9Roc, transported us to the nexus of humanity and technology, revealing the alchemy of genuine human connection in an age dominated by AI. Her workshop was more than a session; it was a journey into the heart of business growth, where authenticity reigns supreme.
  • Rhett Das, Managing Director at Integrity Compliance, led us through the labyrinth of ethical conduct, shedding light on the intersection of professional integrity and personal accountability. With riveting case studies and thought-provoking discussions, Das challenged attendees to navigate the ethical landscape with unwavering resolve.
  • Susan Judd, Principal Consultant at HR Culture, captivated us with her insights into effective people management and incentive strategies. Her workshop was a masterclass in emotional intelligence, offering actionable strategies to foster a culture of success and resilience in the workplace. An exciting part of her session was when she asked everyone to be involved by standing up and remembering people who had a huge emotional impact on their lives. As participants recounted memories from various time periods, those with influential encounters dating back over two decades remained standing, sharing poignant stories of lasting emotional connections. This vivid demonstration underscored the enduring power of meaningful relationships.
  • Wendy Prince shared invaluable insights into the evolution of white-collar challenges in finance, drawing from her experiences transitioning from regulator to pioneer. Her narratives sparked innovation among attendees.
  • Erin Prothero emphasised the significance of strategic workforce planning amidst regulatory shifts, highlighting its pivotal role in financial planning practices.
  • As the event concluded, Andrew Griffiths urged attendees to future-proof their businesses, inspiring action long after the conference ended.

The feedback received was overwhelmingly positive, praising the quality of the speakers, the excellent venue, and the engaging content. Many expressed eagerness to continue building relationships and supporting one another within the BFP community. Here’s what some of our attendees had to say:

“Well done on organising such a positive event – I have returned to the office feeling motivated and I have commenced making improvements immediately.”

“The BFP group has been a huge help in helping me run a better business. Connecting with like-minded people with similar challenges to us has been a great way to learn and grow.”

“The BFP group is an informative and supportive group and any financial planning business would benefit by becoming a member.”

In the end, the 2024 BFP Conference wasn’t just an event; it was a testament to the power of community, collaboration, and collective vision. As attendees departed, they carried with them not just knowledge but a sense of purposeā€”a conviction that together, we can navigate the future with confidence and clarity.

As we look ahead to the future, we’re excited to continue providing valuable opportunities for learning and growth. Stay tuned for updates on upcoming events and initiatives aimed at empowering financial advisors to succeed in an ever-changing industry.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making the 2024 BFP Conference a memorable and enriching experience. Your passion for learning, willingness to share, and dedication to excellence are what make our community truly special. Together, we’re shaping the future of financial advisory.

Mark your calendars! We’re excited to announce that the 2025 BFP Conference will be held in Melbourne from 26th to 28th March. Save the date and join us for another incredible event!

Ready to join a community of forward-thinking businesses? Become a BFP member today and unlock a world of opportunities for growth and collaboration.

As one of our members put it: “Anyone that is able to join, should.”